Please forgive this copy’n’paste response to your enquiry regarding performing in adult movies, but I now receive so many, that I struggle to keep up when writing individual replies to each.
So, you’d like to know how you’d go about working in porn? well there’s plenty to tell you!…. but it’s especially important in this industry to establish trust and trustworthiness, so I will start by talking about the negative side as I feel I must be honest regarding all aspects.
It’s really not easy to work in porn. So don’t think for a second it’s all fun and fucking. There’s an awful lot of hard work and sacrifice that goes into filming adult. Just being good at sex is in no way an indication that you would be good at porn, it’s amazing how many young guns can’t fire once the lights and cameras are on them, and you’ll never know for sure until the day you try!
You need to be absolutely sure you really are 100% genuine and serious about being a porn performer. The vast majority of people who ask me about this turn out to be just fantasists, who are most likely just looking to top up their wank-banks with talk of all things pornstar. In fact, I reckon it’s maybe only approx 1 in every 50 or so people who ask, that would ever actually make it onto a set. But don’t be discouraged, cos if you are serious, and are prepared to follow the strict health requirements, then with hard work you would almost certainly earn yourself a chance at least.
It’s important to remember of course, that once you are filmed having sex, that the footage will almost inevitably make it onto the internet, where it’s possible it could be seen by partners, friends, family or work colleagues etc. There are several people I’ve met in the industry who have been sacked from their 9-5 jobs or had to give up long-standing careers, some who have had to move their children’s schools or even completely relocate, when they have been recognised online. Once online, it is virtually impossible to have content entirely removed, so you should consider possible ongoing ramifications and the effect on future relationships, careers etc.
When filming porn, whether in a paid shoot, or a content share shoot, you will be required to provide two forms of photo ID and sign a model release. This will normally give the producer the rights of ownership and the entitlement to use the content when and how they choose. In a content share arrangement, the producer would provide you with the content to distribute similarly as you wish, unless stipulated otherwise in the model release form.
You may have noticed that there’s been a trend in recent years for guys to appear in films with their faces covered. I myself have shot several scenes with guys who don’t show their face. While there maybe some producers or performers who are happy to work with guys who appear that way, I only consider such guys if they were exceptional in other ways, i.e. very well endowed or very heavy cummer. For some reason, these guys are seldom regarded as serious performers by other industry workers and often referred as opportunist and even predatory.
You should only really seek to work in adult if you are ready to show your face and other identifiable features, such as tattoos.
I often hear that it’s tougher for guys in this industry than it is for girls, and although that’s not entirely true, I can understand why people say it.
As regards the requirements re test results, or ‘certs’, as they’re known, each studio will set its own parameters.
My company, LaceyStarr Productions has a fantastic record of good sexual health on set and no one has ever knowingly infected or been infected whilst working with us. LaceyStarr Productions has a strict 28 day limit on certs. Some studios have a 14 day, there are even some with 7 day testing. I am content with 28 day as that’s what I’ve always asked. 28 day test results mean that you will need testing no more than 21 days after receiving the results from your current test cert. That way they just overlap, meaning you are constantly certified as clean and clear of any sti infections.
The tests themselves must be carried out at an accredited clinic or hospital. I use Dean Street Express in London, who provide an excellent service, and are fast, free and friendly in my experience. You must be tested for the following infections. HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, as well as Hepatitis B & C. This will involve a blood test, urine test and in some cases swab tests.
It’s important that you ask to have your test results sent to you by both text and email. Text alone will not suffice with most producers.
Oh, and once you have a clean cert, please don’t see it as a licence to go have unprotected sex! In fact if anything, being that you want to be in porn, it’s even more important to practise safe-sex when not performing, as it’s only when performing that you be having sex with someone who has also been certified clear of infection. So keep yourself healthy and keep your cock covered unless the cameras are rolling.
It’s also worth remembering that by working unprotected in the porn business, there is a chance of being exposed to infection. If you are unfortunate enough to contract any of the conditions listed above, it will show up as positive on your test results and you will require treatment. While undergoing this treatment you will be unable to shoot.
Ok, phew, so now you know the bad stuff, let me tell you the stuff you wanna hear!
Since I started my career in porn I’ve had the most and the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve had well over 1000 partners and 10,000 orgasms. I’ve shot with unbelievably stunning girlies of every age from 19 – 70, I’ve enjoyed sex with gym fit, gorgeous young guys and had days where I have fucked all afternoon then been taken to dinner in a hotel before the fucking started again…… and I was 53 when I started!
I’ve travelled the world and made friends and money everywhere I’ve been. I quit a job in teaching to follow a career that has seen me win 7 major industry awards in 7 years. I’ve walked the red carpet in Las Vegas at AVN & Berlin at Xbiz. My worldwide DVD sales are now in the tens of thousands and all because I took the plunge and threw myself into the life of an adult entertainer.
This industry has a wonderful community of some truly amazing individuals. There are several annual social events in the calendar which are brilliant for networking and partying. Porn is packed full with such a wonderfully diverse group of artists and creatives. It’s a brilliant career and it’s by far the best job I’ve ever had. I’m proud to be associated with it and all the people in it. Of course there are occasional arseholes to deal with, and shit days to drag yourself through But in my experience that’s the same in every job I’ve ever had.
When you first start making porn, I strongly suggest you seek work on a content share basis (I doubt you’ll have a choice to be honest). That will give you a chance to watch your content, to see how you can improve. It’ll also give you a portfolio to show to other producers and put together a showreel with which to pitch your talents.
Owning the content also means you’ll get to sell it on the many and various clip-sites there are. It’s always nice to receive money from sales of your own content. It’s now becoming easier for guys to sell their content too, with many gay and bi customers now buying content from straight performers.
Once you’ve started to gain some experience and produce consistent good performances, you will improve your understanding of what makes a good scene. You’ll start recognizing moments where you need to open out and provide better line of vision for the cameras. This is when you’ll be ready to start requesting payment. You should look to start at around £120-£150 per scene. Being paid does sometimes apply a ‘have-to-produce’ pressure which some guys can suffer from. But if you’re un-fazed by this, and continue to produce good scene after good scene, then at that point your rate could move through to £250-£350 per scene and then you’re off into the industry and you can call your self a porn actor!
….. and yeah, I can probably help you achieve it.
So, if having read all this, you still wanna be in adult, go get the three consecutive months clear tests and as soon as you have them email me at laceystarr@outlook.com and providing you are UK based, and able to travel to my studio near Gatwick, we can arrange your first shoot.
Now it might be worth going back and reading through all this again in-case you missed anything. I hope you’re serious and ready to take the plunge, if so, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Amy Bruton-Bailey
Dear Lacey I have just read your advice, thank you. Xx
Colin Griffiths
Thank you so much Lacey. Someone that explains it better. You’ve made me more determined to become a porn actor. You’ll definitely hear from me in 3 months. I’m fan of yours. I’m fan of women older than myself. With curves. I will work with all age size females.